The Dream And Other Things.

Living The Dream?

Living The Dream?
Contact Me
My Guest Map
The Beginning
France - En Passant
Spain - At Last
The End - Perhaps
About Me.
Where I Live Now
Model Railways
Me And My Prostate
Prostate Progress - I
Prostate Progress - II
Prostate Progress - III
Prostate Progress IV
Prostate Progress V
Prostate Progress VI
Information On Spain
Benidorm - Attractions
Benidorm - Caravan Sites
Benidorm - Eating Out
Benidorm - Shopping
Information On Benidorm

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Like to go where the living is easy and the sun shines most of the time? Is it really possible or is it all just a dream? A dream that keeps you going as you get older and perhaps the job, or just living, gets that little bit more difficult. Are you dreading the thought of those long, hard winters? Highlight of the week a trip to Tesco's with a cup of coffee thrown in?

Perhaps your health isn't what you had hoped it would be, and the thought of all that sunshine, blue skies and dry air, is just what you think you need. Easy living in a friendly country, where the cost of things bears some relationship to the kind of income that older people can expect. Don't ever forget that we only pass this way once and regret for doing nothing, when all was possible, can have a negative effect on the rest of your life.

It's Not For Everyone.

Of course it isn't everyone who has the dream. Many are more than happy with the way they live now. Their forseeable future is as they would like it and all is well with their world. Great. I wish them the best of health and happiness. These pages will only be of passing interest for them, but even they may learn a little of how others feel who are maybe not so fortunate or content with their lot.

Ciudad Patricia is the name of the complex where I live.

Ciudad Patricia View
Our Pool At Ciudad Patricia

These pages aren't just about living here in Spain however. There are notes on web pages that I have found helpful and also much information on Spain itself in case you are thinking of coming here for a holiday.  This is a very varied country with so much to see and do outside the areas of sea and sand. Have a look at the information I have made available and decide for yourself.

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